19 January 2012

Film: 'The Graves' (2009)

Spoiler alert: BOOBS!

Joking aside, this film is, sadly, pretty awful. It's supposed to be a horror film, but it's not even a little bit scary. It's also neither funny nor original, which puts it pretty far down the list of things you might want to see. I watched it solely because it contains the only candidate I support for the upcoming United States presidential election (read his blog, it's kind of wonderful). Unfortunately his part is far too brief, and there's really nothing else to look forward to. Except the aforementioned boobs. Leading lady Clare Grant, though her role is rather flat, is possessed of a truly impressive rack. Thankfully, she spends most of the film running. While wearing a really low-cut shirt.

 Checkitout, even the trailer is bad!

1 comment:

  1. Shit, how right you are, that trailer is really bad, no wonde I never heard nothing about this... this... this non-movie!
